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Project Management - Project Manager

This article will take you through the role & responsibilities, characteristics and expected skills & competencies of a Project Manager.

Prior to the main discussion points, you need to know who a project manager is. If you think this is also an ordinary functional manager, you are WRONG. This manager is a special human resource of an organization.

"An individual with a diverse set of skills (Management, leadership, technical, conflict management, customer relationship & etc) and who is responsible and in-charge of a considered project."

In other words, he is solely responsible of the overall project including planning, implementation and completion.

It is also good to know how a project manager would be different to a functional manager. Hence, let me highlight few differences.

Specifically a Project Manager would,

  • Direct all activities required to successfully meet project objectives,

  • Be proactive and manage risks,

  • Solve problems with related project activities,

  • Monitor and report the progress of the project,

  • Communicate with all stakeholders of the project on progress as well as potential threats & etc.

Characteristics of a Good Project Manager

Even though not every employee can become a Project Manager but only an exceptional is more likely to be a Project Manager, there are few key characteristics a good Project Manager would showcase.

  • Takes ownership of the whole project

  • Is proactive not reactive

  • Adequately plans the project

  • Is Authoritative (NOT Authoritarian)

  • Is Decisive

  • Is a Good Communicator

  • Manages by data and facts not uniformed optimism

  • Leads by example

  • Has sound Judgement

  • Is a Motivator

  • Is Diplomatic

In a research, more than 84% recommended that “being a good communicator” is the most essential skill of a Project Manager.

Responsibilities of a Project Manager

If you think Project Manager's responsibility is only getting the agreed work done, you are again WRONG. Project Manager's responsibilities have spread over a vast area which can be analyzed under three major areas.

  1. Responsibility to the parent organization This includes proper conservation of resources, timely and accurate project communications, and the careful, competent management of the project. It is very important to keep senior management of the parent organization fully informed about the project’s status, cost, timing, and prospects. Senior managers should be warned about likely future problems. Reports must be accurate and timely if the PM is to maintain credibility, protect the parent fi rm from high risk, and allow senior management to intercede where needed.

  2. Responsibility to the project and the client This is met by ensuring that the integrity of the project is preserved in spite of the conflicting demands made by the many parties who have legitimate interests in the project. The manager must deal with the engineering department when it resists a change advised by marketing, which is responding to a suggestion that emanated from the client. In the meantime, contract administration says the client has no right to request changes without the submission of a formal Request for Change order. The PM is in the middle of this turmoil. The PM must sort out understanding from misunderstanding, soothe ruffl ed feathers, balance petty rivalries, and cater to the demands of the client.

  3. Responsibility to the members of the project team These dictated by the finite nature of the project itself and the specialized nature of the team. Because the project is, by definition, a temporary entity and must come to an end, the PM must be concerned with the future of the people who serve on the team. If the PM does not get involved in helping project workers with the transition back to their functional homes or to new projects, then as the project nears completion, project workers will pay more and more attention to protecting their own future careers and less to completing the project on time.

Do not hesitate to leave your comments & concerns below 😎.

Purindu B Jayatilake

MSc Eng (Reading), MBA, BSc (Hons) Engineering, ACMA (UK), CGMA

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